
Elections in the United States: Trump, President two weeks ago | USA Electronics

Elections in the United States: Trump, President two weeks ago | USA Electronics

Donald Trump positioned himself on January 20th as 47 degrees President of the United States on January 12th. The Republican was looking toward Casa Blanca a few years ago after losing the cargo as he delved back into history. Since 2016, when he expressed xenophobia during the election campaign, Trump saw himself as a beneficiary of citizens' frustration with the last three years and the expansion of irregular immigration. The Republican was immune from the scandals and went from being the first convicted president to an elegiac president who also hoped for his future jurisdiction. The new triumph of a demagogic and populist politics, but from a karismatic point of view, required building a country for the future of the United States and the world.

The Republican celebrated his Victoria before finally arriving at a party in West Palm Beach, Florida, near his Mar-a-Lago mansion. “Hemos logrado una Victoria política que our país visto nunca, nada como esto,” he said. Prometió “ayudar a sanar” A “golden gold” was launched in the United States. “Vamos a rreglar todo lo que está mal en this país,” he added. Accompanied by others including her wife Melania Trump and Vice President JD Vance, she also welcomed Elon Musk, who was also present at the campaign. Please say: “Hacer grande a Estados Unidos de nuevo.”

Trump formally made the election incontestable, clarified in the Electoral College, but was “obvious” in the vote and had not yet completed the audit. In the first hour behind the polls she left Victoria with her decision in the crucial states, but the outcome was completely uncertain when she made the declaration. Finally, the Triunfos in Carolina del Norte, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin assumed the patronage of 270 delegates from the college. The elections necessary for the certification of their Triunfos could be added to the Cuenta. Recently, Trump has exceeded the expectations of his candidates.

The result was an all-out battle with the Democratic Party losing control of the Senate. The presidency of parliamentarians during their disastrous June debate against Trump said goodbye to Joe Biden and refrained from testifying for his vice president Kamala Harris in the re-election bid. Some of the resistance to Biden began at a time of division, as Harris was not convinced that he was more unpopular at this time than he was during 2020, when he was drawn to his great political enemy.

The new candidate is desperate for an enthusiastic man who has sunk into nada before the final hour. In the United States, many people have been preparing to elect a woman as president, and few of them are Indian and African American. The Democratic candidate did not appear at the party “or the funeral,” the Democrat of the last round of voting at Howard de Washington University, looking for his final options before he had brought these to me a few days earlier.

A road full of obstacles

Trump, who had intended to leave after the 2020 election and was not yet clear about his derailment from office, has stuck to the two political processes (impeachment proceedings), One of them was responsible for their responsibilities in the office of the Capitol of January 6, 2021, a year later penalties were imposed, a set of 34 crimes was imposed by a legislature based on their intentions and led to a result herido leve cuando una bala casi le mata. At the age of 78, he moved to mayor-president and took a position there.

Donald Trump
Donald J. Trump, with his wife, Melania Trump, and her husband, Barron Trump, during the Victoria celebration in West Palm Beach.CRISTOBAL HERRERA-ULASHKEVICH (EFE)

The expreidente recovers from his employer, who inhabits his resorts with the Promesa de Fuertes Rebajas Fiskale, the generalists for immigration and a mass deportation of irregular immigrants. It was a kind of resistance test against the state's democratic democracy as it was derived from the government for restricting its rival politicians as an “internal enemy” and engaging in prosecution and trial.

That she could celebrate Victoria de Trump when she is drafted by the Capitol gathering and what she promised her. The president-elect had a financial promise that he pursued in two states, Jack Smith, and was able to archive it. The trial in Georgia with the intention of declaring the 2020 elections in that state also comes as the government has already dealt with the verdict that the son of Juan Merchán had to announce in New York the next morning.

More so than the government for the salvation of the democratic nation in the United States, when Victoria of Trump touched the world geopolitical table with her aspirational policy of “First States of the United States”. It has been announced that it is a company and has carried out its promises, with agreements generalized to the importance that could pose a commercial problem.

The Republican proposes to make agreements with the important states, just like the guys who commission the trading companies to export to the United States (from the general, mayor). It is a summary (or solo part) of a basic arrangement of 10% to 20% for all important people. For China, Trump has promised a 60% Attorney General, superior to all other products. I also ensured that 100% tariffs apply to imported vehicles from Mexico. Trump has made deals during his presidency that Biden has retained, or in some cases increased, but the proposal is actually a major mayoral measure that could, in practice, interfere with trade with China and prompt reprisals from the European Union.

Donald Trump
Trump's Seguidores at a Republican Party party at the Ahern Hotel in Las Vegas (Nevada).CAROLINE BREHMAN (EFE)

The EU has therefore already prepared contingency plans before the possible crisis of Victoria Trump, not only to replicate the treaties, but also to prepare for a possible reduction of the court in Ukraine, and has decided to to defend against the Russian invasion. The Republican made a date with the war in one day, but he was on the coast of Kiev for a long time when he withdrew from the country after making concessions to Moscow. The president-elect has long been associated with dictators such as Russia's Vladimir Putin and Norway's Kim Jong-un, as well as ultra-supporters such as Hungary's Viktor Orbán and Argentina's Javier Milei.

The other lucky preparer, the Orient, implied the freedom of Israel's first minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, for his infamous escalation. Trump was on the campaign trail trying to persuade him what was necessary. It was very friendly, the Israelis welcomed the city as congratulations.

The Trump three-way meeting also assumed a new approach to China's geostrategic competence and, more generally, to international alliances that Biden had announced and reformed during his mandate. The compromise with the OTAN was only before its predecessor. Furthermore, in the United States, Trump's Victoria opposed climate change and questioned the financing of international bodies.

The president bases much of his campaign on the fight against irregular immigrants, as he considers “criminals” and “alimañas” who fear the “sangre” of citizens and other “bad genes”. I promised a deportation, which also entails logistical difficulties, but the maneuvers at the front are guaranteed. Trump spoke about irregular immigration because he was responsible for all the problems that came to the United States without repeated violations. In 2016, Casa Blanca ended with a discourse on xenophobia and racism and repeated the argument over several years.

Control of Congress (the Republican Party oversees the Senate and seeks to retain the Chamber of Deputies) has given approval to rehabilitate the nobleman in addition to his tax promises. Propose to extend the 2017 financial reports indefinitely until the end of 2025 by favoring particularly high rents and a few unfavorable prices, a current tax assessment, a mayor's tax credit and a mayor's tax return Esto sobre el Patrimonio.

Además, realizó promesas dirigidas atraer votantes groups. Propose to deprive the workers of the restoration and the hostel, the extraordinary hours and the social security premiums of tax expenses, by fully deriving from the financial interests of the Préstamos of automobiles and the restoration the deductibility of state and local taxes. It also eliminates the toll that in reality extends to states living abroad. For companies, a rate of 21% to 15% applies to companies that manufacture their products in the United States. In return, incentives are created for the reversal of renewable energy through the Ley de Reduction de la Inflación (IRA).

Trump was the 45 degree president, although he was also the 47 degree president, this could be the call-up in the case of non-consecutive presidents. It wasn't until 1892 that Grover Cleveland was the 22nd and 24th president.

The Traspaso de Poder is complicated. In 2020, the resilience of some presidents as they bid farewell to Biden took a long time. Now, in front of the mutual familiarity between the two, I turned into personal hostility. For the outstanding president, he had no intention of turning the Trump-presidential page into one of his big fights.

Donald Trump
Donald Trump and his wife Melania spent a few days in Palm Beach, Florida.Jeff Roberson (AP)

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